STULZ worldwide

Service and Maintenance

Key Benefits

Seamless Service Network

  • Extensive network of service engineers
  • Tailored service agreements
  • 24-hour support
  • 4 hour response time and other options
  • Reliable supply of spare parts
  • We endevour to work with Tier 1 brands and partners using the highest quality OEM parts
  • Flexible maintenance plans built around customer requirements and suitability (after hours or weekends)
  • Flexible customised service plans - We offer service and maintenance plans for individual equipment to entire data centre sites. Our services cover cooling systems, power systems as well as other hardware, with flexible contract lengths to suit your needs

Trained Specialist Personnel

  • Safe Contractor
  • ISO Certified
  • Uptime institute tier Certified
  • Over 50 years in the cooling industry
  • Vendor Neutral
  • Qualified engineers

Single Point of Contact

  • You will have a single point of contact to cover all your maintenance requirements, saving administration time
  • Our Service Software is used to schedule visits and track works
  • We use our Cyberhub software to maintain a database of all customer equipment, equipment history and their location including specifications for efficient individual customer site management

We support data centres in multiple Sectors

  • Automotive
  • NHS & Healthcare
  • Councils
  • Science & research
  • Education
  • Major national infrastructure
  • Government - security

Energy Efficiency Audits

  • We carry out  energy audits for data centres. We visit your site to assess the data centre performance and make recommendations to improve quality, reliability and energy efficiency